Ingliz tili fanidan online attestatsiya savollari.
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1 / 50
Choose the best answer.After Jamshid … his clothes, he began to study.
2 / 50
Choose the best answer.It is the third time she … his keys.
3 / 50
Choose the best answer.Is that a bus stop over there? Those people seem ________for something.
4 / 50
Choose the best answer.I’m sorry_____________annoyed with you last night. I was tired.
5 / 50
Choose the best answer.It probably won’t happen, but I wish it …
6 / 50
Choose the best answer.I …out if it were not raining.
7 / 50
Choose the best answerThis ring …given to me as a gift.
8 / 50
Choose the best answer.I knew that the conversation between us … by someone.
9 / 50
From the marked areas 1, 2, 3 and 4, identify the one is wrong.Can you1 guess who 2 me 3 favorite actor is 4?
10 / 50
From the marked areas 1, 2, 3 and 4, identify the one is wrong.Oh, no! The rice have 1 gone 2 all 3 over the floor 4.
11 / 50
Choose the correct answer.
12 / 50
He lived in poverty, ______he could not help.
13 / 50
Everybody should do___________best.
14 / 50
Choose the best answer.I think you … take a medicine on time.
15 / 50
Choose the best answer.I … get up early last morning.
16 / 50
Choose the best answer.
17 / 50
Choose the best answer.While Nigora was cleaning the bedroom, her husband… .
18 / 50
Choose the best answer.None of the animals at the zoo …free to roam.
19 / 50
Choose the best answer.Continue …your work and I will be back in a moment.
20 / 50
Choose the best answer.“I may visit the White House next week”, said Pulat.Pulat said that he …the White House the following week.
21 / 50
Choose the best answer.The chance to enter____________came and she took it.
22 / 50
Choose the best answer.He knows … than him.
23 / 50
Choose the best answer.I have … records as he has.
24 / 50
25 / 50
26 / 50
Choose the best answer.John was here yesterday. …, I didn’t talk to him.
27 / 50
Choose the best answer.We’re going to have a party on Saturday, …?
28 / 50
29 / 50
Read the text and answer the questions according to it..Sacagawea means “Bird Woman.” She was a Native American guide who led the Lewis and Clark expedition across the United States. The trip started in St. Louis, Missouri, and ended at the Pacific Ocean. Sacagawea was the daughter of a Shoshone Indian chief. She was born in the year1790. When she was ten years old, her village was raided. All of the homes were set on fire. She was taken prisoner by the Hidatsa Indians. Sacagawea was traded from one tribe to another. The princess became a slave. One day, natives were gambling with a French Canadian trapper. His name wasToussaint Charbonneau. He won the game, and Sacagawea was his prize. She became one of his many wives. She was just sixteen. Sacagawea could speak many languages. She understood many Native American dialects. This made her very valuable. When Lewis and Clark asked Charbonneau to be their interpreter on a trip, they also asked for Sacagawea to come along. They felt she would be valuable as an interpreter, but also as a guide. Lewis and Clark also felt she would be a good sign of peace to Native Americans they met along the way.Sacagawea had other valuable skills. She was strong and hard working. She helped Lewis and Clark pick plants for food. She taught them the ways of the Native Americans to help them survive in the wilderness. Sacagawea had a son who was born while they traveled. She continued to lead the trip.Sacagawea helped many of the men through hard times. More than once she saved explorers from drowning in the rivers. She made them laugh and treated them kindly. Without her, the Lewis and Clark expedition would not have had success.29. According to the passage, what does Sacagawea?
30 / 50
According to the passage, why did Sacagawea marry Toussaint Charbonneau?
31 / 50
According to the passage, Sacagawea worked with Lewis and Clark as a . . .
32 / 50
According to the passage, what was Sacagawea’s childhood like?
33 / 50
Read the text.Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of theiractivity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plantsdisappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises. The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986. About 18 percent of the territory of Byelarus were also polluted with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people’s health. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragic for the Ukrainian, Byelarussian and other nations.33. Choose the best title for the passage.
34 / 50
Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the underlined word in the text.
35 / 50
According to the passage all of the statements are false except …
36 / 50
According to the passage when did the most terrible ecological disaster occur?
37 / 50
Read the text and answer the questions according to it..Daniel Boone was an explorer. Many people say that he found the state of Kentucky. Daniel was born November 2, 1734. He learned farming, hunting, and other skills on the family farm. He liked to explore the woods. As a youngster, Daniel spent many days exploring plants and wild animals. The woods were his home. When he turned nineteen, Daniel went into the army. He drove a supply wagon in the French and Indian War. On one military expedition, he met a man named John Finley. John was a great storyteller. He told Daniel many stories about travel and exploring. Daniel loved these stories. He wanted to explore, just like John. Not long after he met John Finley, he went back to his parents’ home. At this time, he married Rebecca Bryan, who was a neighbor of his parents. For a little while hestayed with Rebecca on a little farm. But his need for adventure sent him on many trips. He traveled throughout the wilderness. He eventually helped pioneers travel and set up homes. Throughout his life, Daniel traveled thousands of miles on foot or by horse. His dream to discover new places and new things became real. Many thrilling stories have been written about Daniel and his adventures.37. According to the passage, another phrase for “military expedition” would be . . .
38 / 50
According to the passage, what is the meaning of the word youngster from the passage above?
39 / 50
From the passage above, we can infer that Daniel Boone was . . .
40 / 50
According to the passage, how did John Finley influence Daniel Boone’s life?
41 / 50
Choose the correct article.Labor Day is a holiday in the USA. It is not a holiday in … UK.
42 / 50
Choose the correct answer.“__ you __ to Russia? ”“Yes, I __ . ”
43 / 50
How long …it …you to eat your breakfast?
44 / 50
Have you ever …an answering machine?
45 / 50
There was a time when Latin played the role of an …language.
46 / 50
Scientists started to think about creating a language that could be used for international …
47 / 50
Find someone …earns a lot of money.
48 / 50
I am a quiet person. I am …
49 / 50
What kind of fruit is described in the picture?
50 / 50
Choose the right answer.______is your little brother?
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